In the last year and a half, we’ve been locked down by the power of a microscopic virus carried in the air; seen the awakening of more citizens to the horror of systems of racism; and witnessed the devastating rage of heat, fire and water. What now? Gather with other people locally and connect globally as we show up, together, for this moment.
Right off the bat we should tell you that this is not a typical course. There's no expert at the top bestowing information. Our group will be learning and creating together in an emerging process.
U.lab is a global learning community for systems change based on the idea that “the success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor.” U.lab has two components: an online learning platform and a weekly gathering called the Baltimore Hub. The online component introduces new skills. Together, in-person at the Baltimore Hub, we actually practice the new ways of looking, listening, and being that we learn online. Learn more about the U.lab philosophy here.
This fall join the Baltimore Hub in our u.lab journey. There are both self-paced and in person components. Come to as much or little of it as you want.
The global u.lab cohort will meet online for four live sessions. We will gather in person as a group to join the live sessions on Sep 23, Oct 21, Nov 18 and Dec 9.
The Baltimore Hub will meet on Wednesday evenings, in person, from 6 to 8 pm from September 22 until November 17, 2021.
The online course begins September 9 and is free. The course is self-paced and includes 6 modules available over 14 weeks. Join as much as you are able!